<span class="vcard">scott</span>

Stuffed Chicken Breast with Brown Butter and Roasted Corn Gnocchi

A few weeks ago I ate at Crow, a fantastic little restaurant in my neighborhood. The served a gnocchi with brown butter, roasted corn and morel mushrooms that blew my mind. Honestly, it was so good that I would have kept eating until I developed a food hernia, had there not been a finite portion before me. Here’s my version, topped with a Boursin- and wild mushroom-stuffed chicken breast.

Pork Chops with Apricot Peach Tea Glaze

In my ongoing quest of creating great dishes that use loose tea as a key ingredient, I’ve come up with some killer pork chops. This recipe uses Apricot Peach Fruit Tea from the Portsmouth Tea Company to create an in-pan glaze that was born to love tender, juicy pork. Too bad this tea is decaf – I’d sprinkle it over my bacon as a pick-me-up breakfast any day.

Mmmmango Tea-and-Honey Sorbet

I’m not much of a coffee drinker (strange for a Seattleite), but I do enjoy a good cup of tea. Actually, I enjoy a frozen bowl of tea even more – get it, iced tea! I’ve recently discovered an excellent supplier of high-end tea blends, the Portsmoth Team Company. Their “Mmmmango” tea is perfectly sweet and just slightly herbal – a great fit for tea-based sorbet.